Date: Sunday Jan 12th at Solana Vista Elementary
Makeup Date: Tuesday, January 14th at Solana Vista Elementary from 4-5:15
Assessments are mandatory!
(League year is determined by Little League of America and is the age your child will be on August 31st, 2025)
- All league age 12’s, all league 11’s, and only 10’s seeking to play in Majors:
- Last name beginning from A to L from 10:00-10:45, M-Z from 10:45-11:30
- We typically have a handful of 10’s looking to play up in Majors, so this is for those candidates
- All league years 8, 9, and 10’s looking to be drafted to an AA or AAA team:
- Last name beginning from A-L from 11:30-12:45, from M-Z will be 12:45-2:00
What is the importance of assessments?
- Assessments are required as they become a valuable tool for our managers to have a more in-depth view of the player pool for drafting. The goal is to have accurate information on each player’s current skill level to help draft even teams across the divisions.
- They help us to isolate some players who would have a better playing experience, and be more competitive, in a division lower than initially registered. However, all league year 12 year olds will play in the Majors division.
Who should be assessed?
- All players who registered in AA and above need to be assessed. Single A Gold (machine pitch), A Silver (coach pitch), and T-ball are not to be assessed as these divisions do not involve a draft.
Is my child going to be in the division they registered for?
- Most children are placed in the division they initially registered for, however there are some situations where your child will be placed in a division lower. We have found the playing experience is much better in these situations for the child. Our goal is to help ensure each child’s success and a continued desire to play this great game.
- All league year 12’s will play in Majors unless there is a safety concern identified after the assessment. This can happen if a child has no prior baseball experience.
Can I drop off my child?
- Drop-offs are not encouraged. The event will hopefully move quickly and your child may be complete with all stations within 20-30 minutes.
How is the event structured?
- There will be a sign-in table and your athlete will get a number for our reference.
- There will be several stations including: hitting, sprint speed, ground balls, fly balls, and pitching.
- Once the registrant hits all stations, you are done!
What if I can’t make my slot?
- Try to come to a time slot that works for your age bracket.
- This will help us evaluate your child amongst their peers.
- We will have a makeup assessment day on Monday Jan 22 from 4-5:15 at Solana Vista Elementary.
What equipment should I bring?
- At the minimum, please have your child bring their playing glove. We will not be assessing play behind the plate, nor at first (catcher nor first basemen). Therefore, a regular fielding glove is all you will need.
- Try to have them wear cleats of any sort (non-metal).
- Bring a little league bat, with the designation “USA Baseball” on it. We will not allow travel bats at assessments as they are illegal for all play in little league. Travel ball bats have the designation “USSSA” on them, and yes, somewhat confusing.
- A hitting helmet as well, but we will have extra helmets and bats there at assessment. Therefore not a requirement.
- Please have your child wear a jersey of any sort with their last name on it if any are laying around.
Please park in the Solana Vista lot and avoid the painted red fire lanes and accessible parking spots.
Thank You!